The following HTML is integrated into the Prey the Series customizable message board header by the WebBBS Message Board Script:

Message Board Member Blue ALERT!

We're Ba-aaaack, folks!

a big thank you to Dan Hancook Woo Hoo!and our service provider for troubleshooting this troublesome problem! You may want to delete your cookies and start over. Also the message board isn't displaying old messages - haven't figured out why exactly - but new messages seem to work just fine!

Just a reminder that xtreme-host is currently going through upgrades so we may still encounter a few glitches during the process.

Report all problems to Prey Webmaster


Welcome to the Prey message board, owned by the Prey the Series Community! This is the 6th or 7th incarnation of this board, which has existed at various sites and under various names since early 1998. Prey premiered on abc in January of 1998 and launched an incredible and positive fan reaction and campaign. In 1999 Prey went international. It has aired in 36 countries. Consequently this message board now hosts an international Prey community! On it you will meet fans from all over the world. We are a very friendly, talkative and passionate group. We use this board to talk about the show of course and just about anything else that comes to mind. We welcome you here and we hope you'll make yourself at home! Please post a message and let us know that you have visited.

"The key to the cage  is in your hearts", Bill Corcoran, Director, Prey

Are you really a Preymate?

A Prey t-shirt wearing, Prey episode-watching, all consumed Prey fan?

If so (or even if you are only borderline ;) ), please take a minute to complete the following MEMBERSHIP CENSUS. Press the submit button and your answer will be sent to Lee Ann.
1. What's your name?
2. What's your screen name?
3. What's your snail mail address?
4. What's your email address?
That's it! You're done! Thanks for participating!

For questions about the mb, email Jeanne.

For the Welcome Packet for Newbies and other questions, contact our super talented, efficient and dedicated Community Coordinator, LeeAnn.

Prey for one, Prey for all, Prey forever!

[ Our Prey Community Site ] [ Invisible Man Headquarters ] [ Adam Storke airdates at DigiGuide UK ] [ Prey Fan Sites ] [ Sci-Fi Chat with Adam Storke ] [ Sci-Fi Chat with Thomas Vitale, Senior VP ] [ Prey Gatherings ] [ Our Very First Campaign Site (by Gina Evers) ] [ Zen's Guidebook to VCD DVD VHS) ] [ The Concerned Parent's Guide to Movie Content ] [ Urban Legends ]


We're back, folks! :D

a big thank you to Dan Hancook Woo Hoo!and our service provider for troubleshooting this troublesome problem! You may want to delete your cookies and start over. Also the message board isn't displaying old messages - haven't figured out why exactly - but new messages seem to work just fine!

LINK TO ALTERNATE MESSAGE BOARD will be going away soon