Adam Storke
Moderator: Good Evening (morning to all of you
on the other side of the Atlantic) and welcome to SCIFI.COM.
Moderator: My name is Karl and I'll be your host
for the evening.
Moderator: Our Guest tonight is the one and only
Adam Storke, star of the classic TV show - Prey.
Moderator: Tonight, many of you have seen Adam
and Vincent Vantresca reunite on Invisible Man.
Moderator: If you haven't seen it, tonight's
chat will most surely ruin the surprise for you so proceed with
Moderator: Adam is here with us now so get
comfortable and get ready for Adam Storke!
Moderator: Brief word about the drill - please
Moderator: your questions for our guest to me,
Moderator, as private messages. (To
Moderator: send a private message, either
double-click on my name or type
Moderator: "/msg Moderator" on the command line
- only without the quotes.)
Moderator: Welcome Adam. It's nice to have you
with us tonight.
AdamStorke: Hello, and thank
you for coming!
Moderator: <Rueben> Bill Schmidt has done
a script called "tom's story" and pitched it to Sci-fi. Would you
reprise your role?
AdamStorke: I'd have to say
that there's something mysterious about leaving Tom
AdamStorke: the way he ended
inthe final episode of Prey.
AdamStorke: There's
something romantic in the idea of there being
AdamStorke: an open-ended
end to a story.
Moderator: <Matey> What does Adam do when
he's not acting - any other interests?
AdamStorke: I take my craft
very seriously, so I spend a lot of time studying
AdamStorke: and working in a
theater lab.
AdamStorke: I'm an avid
reader and I like to paint, play the guitar, and watch the Sci-Fi
Moderator: <Jill> We understand that you
are an excellent cook. What is your favorite dish to prepare?
AdamStorke: Actually what I
enjoy about cooking is the experimentation.
AdamStorke: I enjoy opening
up a cookbook with someone and picking whatever there is
AdamStorke: and having a go
at it.
Moderator: <Cordelia> What projects have
you been working on since Prey and what's in the future?
AdamStorke: I just shot two
AdamStorke: One which is
called "Johnson County War", which is a Western.
AdamStorke: And another film
called "Roughing It", which is a Mark Twain story.
Moderator: <Openmind> Do you prefer to
work in comedy, drama, action, scifi, or a mixture?
AdamStorke: Wherever they'll
have me!
Moderator: <corrsfans> as a graduate of
union uiniversity, what do you think of the albany area and have you
been back since your college days?
AdamStorke: Yes, I have been
AdamStorke: I find upstate
New York to be one of the most beautiful regions in America.
AdamStorke: I'm sad to hear
that Schenectady is having trouble economically,
AdamStorke: but I'm glad to
hear that Union is doing so well.
Moderator: <preyternaturalWALES> Could
Adam please settle a 2 year debate on the PreyforUs message board.
How tall is he?
AdamStorke: I'm 7'1"! No,
actually, I'm 5'10".
Moderator: Brief word about the drill - please
Moderator: your questions for our guest to me,
Moderator, as private messages. (To
Moderator: send a private message, either
double-click on my name or type
Moderator: "/msg Moderator" on the command line
- only without the quotes.)
Moderator: <BelfryBat> <Christy>
Adam - when are you coming back to tv?
AdamStorke: I don't know
Moderator: <Lisa-Smartypants> Can you
elaborate on your experience filming with Vincent Ventresca again in
an "Invisible Man" episode that was on earlier tonight (eastern)?
AdamStorke: Well,
unfortunately, it was short-lived,
AdamStorke: but Vincent is
not only a wonderful actor, but a wonderful man as well.
AdamStorke: So any time
spent with him was in my advantage.
Moderator: <LadyDreamTimeOZ> what is the
work you are most proud of and why
AdamStorke: I'd have to say
that I would like to be proud of all my work,
AdamStorke: but I have a a
special affinity for the stage
AdamStorke: and a great
appreciation of the written word.
AdamStorke: In other words,
the better the piece, the more I can be proud of it.
Moderator: <PreyforTomDanielsEngland> do
you read the fanfiction? and did you receive the christmas Prey
anthology which was mailed last year..Do you know that all the
writers are here tonite
AdamStorke: I haven't read
the fan fiction, but I am aware of the Web sites and am in great
appreciation of all of it!
AdamStorke: Thank
Moderator: <MythicGirl> Thank you for
taking the time to join us tonight. You have a worldwide fan base.
Would you like to do more theatre work in the future?
AdamStorke: In fact, my goal
is to commute between the theater and film.
AdamStorke: My first love
has always been the stage.
Moderator: <Trinity> Adam- whats your
favorite tv show on the Scifi Channel?
AdamStorke: My favorite
shows are The Invisible Man, Prey, and The Chronicle.
AdamStorke: Elaine Hendrix
rocks my world!
Moderator: <Lisa-Smartypants> If you had
not become an actor, what would you liked to have become?
AdamStorke: An art
Moderator: <preyternaturalWALES> Adam's
work has shown a gift for regional accents, but I've wondered. In
which role (if any) has he relied on his native accent?
AdamStorke: I would say that
Prey was in my accent!
Moderator: <Liz> How did you feel when you
found out that Tom was going to finally be free... any closure?
AdamStorke: In my eyes, I
looked at it as a metaphor,
AdamStorke: so it's not so
much closure as I feel free to move on.
Moderator: <Trinity> If possible, would
you do more episodes of Prey?
AdamStorke: Again, I find it
mysterious and romantic that there is no end
AdamStorke: and we can all
use our imaginations as to what really happened.
Moderator: Brief word about the drill - please
Moderator: your questions for our guest to me,
Moderator, as private messages. (To
Moderator: send a private message, either
double-click on my name or type
Moderator: "/msg Moderator" on the command line
- only without the quotes.)
Moderator: <quiksilvr> Ask him: What was
it like working with Vincent again?
AdamStorke: He was
Moderator: <Jill> What's one thing people
would be surprised to know about you?
AdamStorke: That I like
Moderator: <preyternaturalWALES> Which
other actor do you most admire (living or dead)?
AdamStorke: Oddly enough, I
was raised to appreciate British actors
AdamStorke: insomuch as the
range of Olivier more than the depths of De Niro.
AdamStorke: But as I grew
older and studied more, I became a Stanislavski diciple
AdamStorke: and learned to
appreciate, admire, and incorporate the American Method.
Moderator: <Zooropa> Is there something
you especially put attention to when preparing for a role and
playing a character
AdamStorke: If you really
want to know, the three things that are most important
AdamStorke: for an actor are
sense of self, object, and action.
AdamStorke: Those are the
fundamentals of how I work.
Moderator: <Jeanne> Did you enjoy working
with Debra Messing?
AdamStorke: Yeah!
Moderator: <Trinity> do you have your own
AdamStorke: No, I am lucky
enough to have excited and avid fans
AdamStorke: who are much
more adept at creating a site than I would ever be!
Moderator: <Jeanne> Have you ever done
work in The Actors Studio in New York?
AdamStorke: No, I haven't,
but I have worked with equivalent groups.
Moderator: <MythicGirl> Did you enjoy
singing and playing the guitar in "The Stand"?
AdamStorke: Actually, I read
the book years before the movie was made
AdamStorke: and fell in love
Larry Underwood and was lucky enough
AdamStorke: to actually get
to play him.
AdamStorke: Little did they
know that I could play the guitar, but I couldn not sing.
AdamStorke: So I worked
extremely hard on the song that I played
AdamStorke: and what was
most important for me was the emotion behind the performance.
AdamStorke: In fact, there
is a version of "Amazing Grace" that I sang
AdamStorke: in the prison on
the first day of shooting that was not aired
AdamStorke: in the movie but
was profoundly emotional.
AdamStorke: So much so that
when I finished there was not a dry eye on the set.
AdamStorke: So, inanswer to
your question, yes, I enjoy playing the guitar!
Moderator: <bitbat> Is there any
particular school of painting you like most? Impressionism.....?
AdamStorke: Actually, I am a
huge fan of early 20th century Viennese painting.
AdamStorke: Notably Egon
Schiele and Gustav Klimt.
Moderator: <Jeanne> What's your favorite
kind of music, Adam?
AdamStorke: Well, it's
wide-ranged, from the blues, like John Lee Hooker
AdamStorke: to the savior of
rock-n-roll, Bruce Springsteen
AdamStorke: and in very
contemporary terms, I'm a big fan of
AdamStorke: David Gray, who
I've seen live 3 times in the last years.
Moderator: <CelticPrey9> Have you ever
worked on location outside of North America.? If so where and what
did he like/dislike about it?
AdamStorke: Yes, I
AdamStorke: In fact, I
worked specifically in Paris for three months
AdamStorke: and who in their
right mind would not love Paris for three months?
Moderator: <Rueben> - Were you
disappointed when Bill Schmidt left Prey in the early beginning.
Vincent and Debra both expressed disappointment.
AdamStorke: Yeah, I was
Moderator: <Trinity> did you ever have
stage fright that you had to over come?
AdamStorke: Every
Moderator: <preyternaturalWALES> What
character from literature would Adam most like to play?
AdamStorke: Well, I am a
huge fan of Shakespeare and read him constantly
AdamStorke: and am obsessed
with Hamlet.
Moderator: <bitbat> What about character
Tom Daniels intrigued you the most?
AdamStorke: What fascinated
me was the concept of evolution
AdamStorke: and that we
could evolve into people whose brains were
AdamStorke: more evolved
than ours.
AdamStorke: I spent much
time research what that might look like; hence the reason my hair
was so short
AdamStorke: because I wanted
my forehead to be more prominent.
AdamStorke: There was a
correlation between the master race trying to be created in
AdamStorke: WWII Germany and
AdamStorke: And what would
happen if Hitler's right-hand man decided
AdamStorke: that the
philosophy was wrong?
AdamStorke: That is what
drove me in Prey.
Moderator: <Rueben> - Are you aware that
Prey has been seen in 36 countries since 1998 and that Prey is an
international sensation with viewers?
AdamStorke: Yes, I
AdamStorke: Because I am
concious of all the wonderful letters that have
AdamStorke: been sent to me
from all over the world.
AdamStorke: And know that I
am appreciative of each and every one!
Moderator: <CelticPrey9> Do you still have
ambitions to write plays?
AdamStorke: Oddly enough, I
have spent the least year trying to write a screenplay
AdamStorke: and because of
my appreciation on the written word, it has driven me f*cking
Moderator: <member-03> What wa it like
working with Mr.Faison?
AdamStorke: It was
Moderator: <Quinn> have you ever been in a
band, or aspired to be in one?
AdamStorke: No, but I've
certainly done a lot of air guitar!
Moderator: <ECROY> Did you have a lot of
freedom and input with Tom's character?
AdamStorke: Yes, I did, but
we were under incredible time constraints and
AdamStorke: hurdles you
could never imagine.
Moderator: <Jeanne> How would you like
Tom's character to develop if the series had continued?
AdamStorke: I would have
liked to have seen how Tom would have incorporated
AdamStorke: his new
understanding of emotional life in a society
AdamStorke: that usually
denies vulnerability.
Moderator: <LaPeep1> I'd like to pass
along a Thank You from 2 of his Prey fans that have been seriously
ILL, Benita and Kekathat He sent Photos to signed and with personal
notes,and wondered if He recieves much of the Fan mail folks send
AdamStorke: Whenever I hear
of someone who is ill, I feel compelled to respond.
AdamStorke: At the same
time, I live a life that is quite busy, and though I
AdamStorke: am unable to
respond to everything, I am deeply moved by anyone
AdamStorke: who sends me
anything at all.
Moderator: <bitbat> I'm also an avid
reader......what's the most recent book you've read?
AdamStorke: The most recent
book I've read is a book by a friend of mine called "All the Finest
AdamStorke: by Alexandra
AdamStorke: The one I'm
reading now is a biography of Frank Delano Roosevelt's
AdamStorke: called "No
Ordinary Time".
AdamStorke: Given the
immediate circumstances, I need to draw inspiration from another
AdamStorke: time in our
Moderator: <BelfryBat> Were you close to
the New York attack?
AdamStorke: No, I was in Los
Angeles at the time.
AdamStorke: but felt deep
remorse and unfathomable understanding
AdamStorke: of what
AdamStorke: But what excites
me the most is that we are a courageous nation
AdamStorke: and I draw
strength from the courage of every one
AdamStorke: who has survived
and not survived.
AdamStorke: Where else can
we see the human drama but in a phone call to home
AdamStorke: to say "I love
you" before knowing that we might die?
Moderator: <pufinsjak> what is your ideal
AdamStorke: Hmm.. dark,
mysterious, feminine, sweet-smelling, and little bit naughty!
Moderator: <PreyforTomDanielsEngland> what
do you feel is your greatest accomplishment
AdamStorke: Loving my
Moderator: Well that's about all the time we
have tonight. Adam, how about we take one more question?
AdamStorke: Sure!
Moderator: <Trinity> Mr.Storke- do you
have any tips for those people who want to be actors when they grow
AdamStorke: Yeah! Study, get
an education, believe in yourself,
AdamStorke: and come to
grips with the fact that there is nothing else
AdamStorke: that you want to
do except act.
Moderator: Thank you for joining us tonight
Adam. I hope you had as much fun as we did. You are welcome back to
SCIFI.COM any time.
AdamStorke: Thank you very
AdamStorke: I hope you all
know how much I appreciate all your attention and good
AdamStorke: intentions. In
this difficult time in our country, I hope you know
AdamStorke: that as much as
your prayers are with me, my prayers are
Moderator: Good Night Adam.
AdamStorke: with you. Thank
you very much!!
AdamStorke: Good